Bearing a Mountain - شايلة جبل

تحكي ثلاث لاجئات، من السودان وسوريا واليمن، عن حياتهن في القاهرة والإنجازات التي حققناها في الغربة. ينجحن جميعًا في الموازنة بين عملهن وبيوتهن والتعامل معهن كلاجئات، مع أن الحمل ثقيل، حتى أن إحداهن وصفت ذلك بالجبل فوق رأسها لا تستطيع التخلص منه Three female refugees - from Sudan, Syria and Yemen - talk about their lives in Cairo and the accomplishments they've achieved in a foreign land.

What exile means for women refugees ? In Cairo, three female refugees — from Sudan, Syria and Yemen — talk about their lives, a complex mix of empowerment and burdens. Juggling work, home and exile, one describes the many burdens she bears as a “mountain on her head” that she simply can’t put down.

Published on Mada Masr (2019) with the support of Open Media Hub ( Version française sur Orient XXI )

My school, my refuge (Egypt)

أبدي لاجئ إثيوبي مقيم في مصر منذ سنتين. بعدما نجح في التأقلم وتحسين مهاراته اللغوية، استأنف -في سن 18- تعليمه الأساسي في مدرسة خاصة أسسها لاجئون، واحدة من حوالي 70 مدرسة من هذا النوع في القاهرة.

Officialy, public schools are opened to refugees in Egypt. In fact, systemic racism and overcrowded Egyptian schools have drawn them out of the public system to build their own educational centers.

Abdi left Ethiopia’s unrests at 16. After two years of adjusting to Egypt and working on his language skills, Abdi resumed his basic education at the age of 18 in a private school established by refugees, one of 70 such private schools in Cairo. According to the UNHCR, less than 50% of child refugees around the world have access to education.

Published on Mada Masr (2019) with the support of Open Media Hub

In 2016, a greek village was a Nobel Peace Prize candidate for helping thousands of refugees : Skala Sikamineas

Ce village au nord de l'île de Lesbos a ouvert ses portes à des milliers de réfugiés. Le gouvernement grec a soumis la candidature de ses habitants au Prix Nobel de la paix. Reportage pour Europe 1.